Union Grove Baptist Church
Church at 680 Pulliam Street, Elberton, GA 30635
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in Elberton, GA
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Pathetic. This woman has been attending this church for over 90 years... For any members of this church who may be reading this, and did nothing, I ask you this.. Why did you not get up and leave the service in protest. What this guy did was wrong..wrong.. WRONG! But... you sat there. You did nothing. You sat silently and said nothing. You too, should be ashamed of yourselves. I used to work maintenance at a nearby church, and I saw a lot of fake people coming in and out of there, so I know your type. Rest assured that you are LIKELY NOT going to heaven. You too have perceived church as a place of business, and not worship. It's all just a front you put on to convince yourselves that you are good people, and maybe some of you are, but not most. As an former employee of a church, all I seemed to hear about in the church offices was money, funding, balancing the books, and very little, if any about the Lord, or members. I too stayed silent about things I overheard. I KNOW I'm not ever getting into heaven, so it's go big or go home at this point for me. By the way, I was laid off due to budget cuts of the church so that they may construct a 40000 dollar sign. I know your type as I said.
I recommend all members throw this guy out of the church....now. He's a fake. He is doing the devils work. If you follow him, he will lead you to the gates of hell where even despair dies. Ask yourselves this.. Why did the police refuse to get involved? Shouldn't that have tipped you off a little? You call yourselves Christians. You're not.. trust me.Added April 25, 2017 by Brian Young - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I grew up playing piano in this church - back when my granddad was living, when Rev. Clinkscales was serving, and when my great aunt Mrs. Genora Biggs was still highly revered. A lot has changed over the years, but this church still connects at least half the Hamm family, especially the older generations.
As a point of clarification, the pastor who attempted to oust Mrs. Biggs has since been removed, although apparently he did take the church's life savings with him! (What goes around comes around though - no one will hire shim now)!
I don't know all the details, but this small but mighty church is carrying on!
My great-aunt Genora Biggs is doing just fine - in large part due to her faith. But I know all the support she received from people like you helped her survive that fiasco as well! I think I can work on behalf of our entire family when I say thanks for having her back!Added April 20, 2017 by April Hamm - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sad and a church at that. I learn a few years back that church's is full of it. We can learn about god outside a church, we can donate to where ever we like and it doesn't go toward the preachers next vacation. These people in this church should bow down and pray for the good lord's healing touch.Don't see how any of the members that had a helping hand in this can hold up their head in public. HOW MANY SAY THEY ARE CHRISTAN FOLKS? Don't lie, a lie is a sin remember that.
Added January 22, 2017 by juan sedano - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
You should kick your preacher out, and yourselves while you're at it. Does it not say to take care of the widows and the elderly in the book you supposedly follow? Did Christ not shame the Pharisees for the self same thing you did to this poor old woman by kicking her out and then calling the police on her when she showed up?!? She's warning you against the turn in which you are taking. The turn to fakeness and money-grubbing prosperity doctrine. They shake and roll all around on the floor and beg for more money.
I think the elderly know a bad church or a bad situation when they see it. You, as a church, should pay attention to your elders and what they tell you is wrong with what they are seeing. You have a snake leading you astray and instead of listening to people who built your church you condemn them. See, this is why the modern church is filled with Satan and not Christ. This is why people are turning their backs on the church and not looking back.Added September 09, 2016 by Dark Seraphim - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Here is what you do... build a church next door... everyone go to that. If the pastor wants to preach to himself in a church without lights on like you left that 103 year old lady... so be it. There is NO way in the world there should be a single person in those pews who calls himself or herself a Christian, because if you sit down in those pews, somebody is lying.
Added August 18, 2016 by Jeff Hughes